This one has been puzzling me for a while!    There has been a bug with our SEO Site Comparison Tool which has been a tough one to track down.    The bug, though minor affects how the page title looks in Internet explorer.


Hash marks the spot

When the results page loaded, the page title was automatically changed to include a long list of “’#” marks?   I originally thought this must be a bug in the way the AJAX calls replace the HTML content, however it turns out to be a known bug in Internet Explorer with Flash.

For each embedded flash element, the anchor name is appended to the page title.   As the page has “a lot” of embedded flash objects, this resulted in the long list of ###’s in the page title!


The Solution

More of a work-around than a solution!   As the results page is loaded in AJAX, the fix for me was to replace the document title when the content is loaded:

document.title = "SEO-Checker Results";

Now this will only work if you’re dynamically loading the content, however take a look at the links below for other solutions and workarounds people have found.


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