Have you noticed Facebook on your iPad or iPhone making random noises recently?   If so, you’re not alone!   Many people are reporting that the app makes short, chirp like noises when scrolling through the feed.   It appears to have started with a recent app update.

Thankfully there’s a way you can avoid these unwelcome notification sounds (though hopefully Facebook will release a fix in the near future):

(Depending on your device, there are two different methods to turn off the sound)

(Option 1) If you’re on an iPhon, tap on profile icon at the bottom right of your screen and select Settings & Privacy -> Settings -> Media  -> In-app sound and turn it off

(Option 2) If there is no menu option in the bottom right of your Facebook page, tap on the 3 dots -> Profile settings -> Privacy centre -> scroll all the way down to bottom and tap Facebook -> tap on your Facebook account -> Media -> in-app sounds, and turn it off