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Google Doodle – Animated Balls Google Logo?

Google today have a new animated logo:


The animated balls which make up the Google logo disperse as you move the mouse pointer towards it.

Unlike previous doodles, there’s no mention on the home page as to what this represents or celebrates.    Some are speculating that it’s to celebrate Google’s birthday however this was on the 4th not the 7th?

Looking at the javascript for the page – there are mentions of “hplogo”?  

Do you have any ideas what this logo is for?  If so, let us know in the comments!



Some people are unable to see the animation so here’s a video of it :



It seems that most speculation is that this is indeed to celebrate Google’s birthday.   Google was incorporated on September 4th 1998, however it’s commonly reported that they were founded on the 7th.

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