On July 17th, Plussem.com launched their website offering to provide fake +1s for your website for a fee.
Like buying links, this service offers fake user endorsement of your site – potentially improving your ranking in the Google search engine.
It’s hard to know if Google will be able to detect this without knowing how Plussem actually generate the +1s?
I’m sure Matt Cutts and the Google web spam team are working on ways to detect and ignore these fake endorsements, but if the spamming grows, it may affect how much +1s affect the ranking signals.
Promoting google+ votes is becoming a very hot business. Using these types of services could have negative or positive affects on SEO.
We just have to see how google treats them. Another place to buy google plus votes is bulkones.com
Will be interesting to see how this evolves over the next few months.
we see google+ votes is one of the top social stuff but here is also many site like that gplusvotes.com now its time to see their activities and how much they will satisfy us with their performance. will come here to see your reply, thanks.
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